Working as an executive assistant at Pleasanton Automotive, Eva Osborne didn’t expect to spend her days running personal errands, laundering gym clothes, and cutting up food for her boss. All of it unpaid. And when she spoke up, her pleas were met with a deafening silence.

Bob Slap and his wife (2015)

Since her complaints went unheard, Osborne took her fight to court, exposing a corporate culture that protected her boss’s abusive behavior at all costs.

The Case

Eva Osborne was employed as an executive assistant to Bob Slap, a Market Area Vice President at Pleasanton Automotive, from 2015 to 2019. Osborne’s role, as per her lawsuit, morphed into one with demands that went well beyond the professional. Her allegations describe a workplace marked by indignities she was compelled to endure, from fetching water to cutting up Slap’s food, all while being denied fair compensation.

Among her grievances were claims of unpaid overtime, retaliation following complaints, and harassment that ranged from verbal abuse to physical demands like carrying gallons of water while she was eight months pregnant. As well as harassment of the potentially sexual nature, such as when Bob Slap forced Eva to stay next to him while rolling around in a revealing hospital gown.

For a more in-depth look at the ways Bob Slap allegedly abused his powers and deliberately humiliated Eva, read on to the end of this post.

A Culture of Disempowerment

One of the troubling aspects of Osborne’s allegations is the absence of timely intervention by Pleasanton Automotive’s Human Resources. The HR department’s inaction, according to Osborne, gave Slap an unchecked platform to enforce increasingly personal and invasive demands. The case file included instances where Osborne was allegedly forced to carry heavy items during her pregnancy and take care of Slap’s personal errands, all while fearing retaliation for any objection she might raise.

The case details a system that effectively dissuaded complaints. Osborne described how, on multiple occasions, she approached HR director Nancy Cassity to report workplace issues, only to be told to put her complaints in writing as a prerequisite for action. This protocol, intended perhaps as a bureaucratic formality, instead seemed to act as a deterrent, implying a lack of accountability and reinforcing a hierarchy that favored the executive over the employee.

The Response – Or Lack Thereof

Despite Osborne’s formal complaint and an email she submitted to HR in December 2019, which detailed Slap’s misconduct, Pleasanton Automotive allegedly failed to take meaningful steps. This complaint, which laid the groundwork for her subsequent lawsuit, painted a picture of degradation: from being asked to launder Slap’s gym clothes to being made to sit by his hospital bedside while he wore only a gown. The contents of the email suggest a workplace in which personal boundaries were routinely crossed, and professional responsibilities overshadowed by personal errands that were neither recognized nor compensated.

Slap, for his part, later filed a cross-complaint against Osborne, accusing her of defamation and claiming that her complaint was a form of “blackmail” to secure a salaried position. His response illustrates a deflection strategy often employed by corporations and executives facing allegations of misconduct, positioning the accuser as the aggressor and muddying the waters of accountability.

Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures

So what does all of this have to do with Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures?

Pleasant Automotive appears to be owned by Hendrick Automotive Group.

Bob Slap was a minority partner with HAG for 15 years until the year 2020 when he moved across the country to start a boating company named Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures.

I find the timing to be pretty suspicious. He was working in automotive for 25 years, became a VP in marketing and then…. freely chose to move to New Hampshire to do a water boating company?

My theory is that he was fired as a result of this case and had his stake in HAG forcibly bought out (especially since he even conspired against HAG- more details down below). What’s also notable is that in 2022, Bob Slap sued HAG. Unfortunately, I’m unable to view the relevant legal documents but it could been for his termination from the group….

And so with nothing left for him in the west coast, he fled to the east coast to start a completely unrelated business. But that’s just my theory as to how it went down 😌

Bob’s personal email is

Bob Slap’s LinkedIn is

Bob Slap’s empty Instagram is

Bob Slap’s Facebook is

Bob Slap’s LinkedIn work history

How was Bob Slap allegedly abusive? So many ways!

Performing Demeaning Personal Tasks: Slap allegedly required Osborne to carry his bags, launder his gym clothes, shine his shoes, and cut up his food.

Refilling Water: Osborne was required to leave her desk to come to Slap’s office for the purpose of refilling his water glass.

Unpaid Work: She allegedly was not compensated for all hours worked, including overtime, particularly for personal tasks unrelated to her formal role.

Carrying Heavy Water Jugs While Pregnant: Slap reportedly forced Osborne to carry multi-gallon water containers when she was eight months pregnant, over her objections and against her doctor’s orders.

Personal Purchases on Her Credit Card: Osborne claims Slap demanded she place his personal purchases on her own credit card.

Requesting a Loan: Slap allegedly pressured Osborne to loan him money.

Angry Reaction to Family Obligation: When Osborne requested to pick up her sick child from school, Slap reportedly slammed his water cup on her desk and demanded she refill it before leaving.

Hospital Room Incident: Slap allegedly forced Osborne to accompany him into a hospital room while he was clothed in only a hospital gown and answered personal medical questions.

Handling His Dog: Osborne was reportedly tasked with receiving delivery of Slap’s new dog while he was out of town.

Cleaning Up After His Dog: Slap allegedly requested Osborne clean up his dog’s excrement.

Off-the-Books Pay Raise: Slap attempted to conspire against HAG to provide Osborne with an unofficial pay increase.

Salary Denial: Slap allegedly denied Osborne a promised salary.

Instructing Not to Log Hours for Personal Errands: He reportedly did not allow her to log hours for personal tasks she completed for him.

Discouraging HR Contact: Slap allegedly instructed Osborne not to contact HR, even in situations where it would have been appropriate to do so.

Only Performing Personal Work: Slap reportedly had Osborne doing primarily personal work for him over the four years of her employment.

All of this can be found in the accompanying legal documents down below

Photos of Bob Slap:

Bob Slap on his dad’s 92nd birthday
Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures
bob slap predator
bob slap & lake winnipesaukee
Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures
expertly cropped photo of Bob Slap at Scott and Diana’s wedding
Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures
this picture is more than 10 years old
Bob Slap and his wife on Halloween
Bob Slap has a picture of him taken by a poor sap with Parkinson’s